PSED Portal

East Ayrshire Licensing Board

East Ayrshire

- Licensing Boards

- 2017

Website Links

Resources and reports

Notes (Draft Publication, etc.) *PC protected characteristic

"East Ayrshire Licensing Board's PSED documents are part of the following East Ayrshire Council documents: 1) Equality Mainstreaming Report 2017-2019 (Licensing Board information on page 33, including specific EOs for Licensing Board); 2) Shared Equality Outcomes 2017-2021 (Licensing Board incorporated into report). Council MSR states: ""The Licensing Board, as it is not an employer, is not required to provide public employee data. Information on the Council employees concerned have however been incorporated into the Council’s Reports, along with the Council’s pay gap information and equal pay statement.""

The Shared EOs are a partnership between Ayrshire College, South West Scotland Community Justice Authority, North Ayrshire Council, South Ayrshire Council, East Ayrshire Council, NHS Ayrshire & Arran, North Ayrshire HSCP, South Ayrshire HSCP, East Ayrshire HSCP, and The Ayrshire Joint Valuation Board (see Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming page under the Equality and Diversity web link referenced in Column G for more details). "

Additional Documents

Contact Person and details

Alyia Zaheed, Corporate Officer Equality and Diversity 01563 576244